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Asiatic lilies, Martagon lilies, Trumpet lilies, Oriental lilies,
Interdivisional hybrids and species lilies!
Spring 2025 Listing | 30th Year Anniversary!
Notice: for USA customers having problems with ordering.
Dear Lily Enthusiasts and Gardening Friends:
As a new lily season approaches, it is hard to believe it is our 30th lily season since my father Barrie and I decided to change his hobby and love of the genus lilium into a mail order business. Over the years we have seen the advancements in lily breeding with the introduction of Orienpets, some of the first on the market from the hybridizing work of Dr. Wilbert Ronald and Lynn Collicutt, a few that have been introduced by us are 'Starburst Sensation', 'Northern Beauty' & 'Northern Carillon' which we still list to this day! You will find in our front cover a new cultivar 'Solar Array' from this continued hybridizing work.
In the other interdivisional lines we are starting to see more Asiapets (asiatic x trumpet). The new one this year is one of the blackest lilies to date named 'Black Ship'. In this listing you can also find one of the first Asiapets 'Silky Belles' from the work of Lynn Collicutt & Dr. Wilbert Ronald. 'Easter Morn' (page 28) first introduced by us in 2000 was one of the first Unique interdivisional hybrids. We are please to hear 'Easter Morn' hybridized by Lynn Collicutt has been elevated to the NALS Lily Hall of Fame this year! There are many other interdivisional hybrids that have come on the market with what I am sure to be many more exciting cultivars in the years ahead.
There has been extensive breeding overseas of what is termed LA Hybrids (longiflorum x asiatic) in the past 30 years, giving us a kaleidoscope of color. This year you will find two new ones, 'Dynamix' and 'Lively'. You can also find one of the first LA Hybrids we have re-listed 'Aladdins Sun'.
In the asiatics you can find a selection of new lilies! Some double ones to check out are 'HotPants' and 'Hulk'. Also a couple of new bi-colors are 'Fancy Dance' and 'Triple Dance'. You will also find many old cultivars such as 'Corsage' and 'Red Velvet' which we listed 30 years ago as well! There are many other new cultivars listed throughout the catalog. We will leave it in your hands to find these gems.
We treasure all the lily fiends we have meet along this journey and consider it a privilege to have known, many who are no longer with us, that have built the bases of the lily hybrids today.A special thank you to our many loyal customers who have supported us over the years! We hope you will enjoy the beauty of the lilies you now have growing in your gardens. As we look ahead to a new lily season we are expecting many changes. Joyce has sold the homestead where the Lily Nook business was located which means it will be a busy season as we will be looking at relocating to our growing field 5 miles (8km) South of Neepawa on Hwy #5. We are open to the possibility of selling the well established business which can be located anywhere you have growing space. If you are energetic and love gardening please feel free to reach out to us for further information.
Happy Gardening with Lilies!Â
Nigel, Mimi & Joyce